Monday, June 29, 2009

April 1, 2009 Noida, India

We had agreed to have lunch with Ravinder today at 130. He had the cab pick us up and drive us to downtown Noida to pick him up near his office there. It was right by another section of the elevated train track construction. This piece had a very large rectangular piece which I presume is a station. We waited for him for about 10 or 15 minutes. He directed Paren to take us to a hotel called Obroi. It is a very nice and expensive hotel in an area not unlike the area where our hotel is except they had more property in which to grow more greenery behind which to hide the noise and sights from the outside world. We had buffet, but just barely because waitress said it closed at 3 and it was 250. Food was good. Very little difference in food at Park Plaza. We left Obroi around 4 and went back to Ravinders office to take a tour and get some more logo gifts for the class since we didn't quite have enough for every one in class. This building is newer and much nicer than the one we are training in. The part of the company which supports our company, only occupies 1/2 of one small floor. Ravinder explained that if the workers at the site where we are training would show more value, their building would be on a level with this one.
We asked about the building under construction next to where we are training and he said that is another company and that at one time their company had plans to at least lease it, but have not grown as fast as expected.
On the drive from his office back to the hotel, I saw an old American car from a distance and guessed that it was a Buick. When we passed it, my suspicions were confirmed but I just saw Buick and 8, so will have to look up '50s Buicks to see what model it is. It was right hand drive.
We didn't get back to hotel to change and grab bags until about 6. Nothing new about work. We left at 1 for car-o-bar.
Manoj brought home made veg dinner that his mom made for us. Ranveer propped his hood up to make it more level for our "buffet" table. Food was great! We drank citrus Smirnoff with Limca (citrus pop).
Got back to hotel around 430. I worked some on computer and texted wife when I saw her online. I was very tired so chatted a little while and went to bed.

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